green checked background with orange flowers green stems white clouds yellow sun white letter in a green bubble Sms reminder Monday 3/25  1/2 day Students/full day staff dismissal at 1:00pm   Friday 3/29-4/4 Spring Recess - School closed   School Reopens Friday 4/5  1/2 day students/staff dismissal at 1:00pm

📆 Mark your calendars! 🗓️

🔵 Monday 3/25: 1/2 day for students, full day for staff! 📚 Dismissal at 1:00pm ⏰

🌸 Friday 3/29 - 4/4: Spring Recess! 🌷 School closed 🚫

🔴 School Reopens Friday 4/5: 1/2 day for students and staff 🎒 Dismissal at 1:00pm ⌛️

Enjoy the break and see you back refreshed on April 5th! 🌟 #SchoolUpdates #SpringBreak #MarkYourCalendar