Orange backkground red white blue green hispanice flags Latinos UnidosALL COUNTIES INVITED! NJEA FAST GRANT AN EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE BRING YOUR FAMILY AND JOIN US FOR AN EDUCATIONAL MORNING, ALL WORKSHOPS ARE IN SPANISH Saturday, December 9, 2023 | 8:30am to 1:00pm  Somerville High School Cafeteria  222 Davenport Street | Somerville, NJ  REGISTER IN ADVANCE WITH THE QR CODE OR  AT THE DOOR WHEN YOU ARRIVE Questions? Contact Mrs. Wahba ● Immigration Rights  Financial Aid & Other Information For Your Children in  High School: SAT, FAFSA, HESAA  How to Help Your Children with Mathematics  Improving Your Self-Esteem to Achieve Your Potential

All Counties are invited to attend the Latinos Unidos Educational Conference on Saturday December 9th at 8:30am-1:00pm in the Somerville HIgh School Cafeteria.