Dear Somerville High School Community,
Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC) -Somerville High School- is running a shoe drive fundraiser and we are making this a district-wide event including SMS and VDV! Good news, you don't have to buy anything!! We have partnered with an organization called Funds2Org. Our mission is to collect new and gently used shoes, which will benefit our local and greater community in 3 ways:
It helps clear out closets and protects the environment (keeps shoes out of landfills)
The shoes are donated to developing countries to support their economies
SMAC will receive a monetary donation based on the number of shoes donated (our primary beneficiary is the Meghan Rose Bradley Foundation and other initiatives that support cancer research).
Our goal is to collect at least 2,500 pairs of shoes and we believe it is achievable with your support!
1. Collection Dates 3/3 - 4/25 - Collection bin locations at SHS:
a. Main Office vestibule (community/staff/student drop off)
b. Main Office inside (staff/student drop off)
Service hours available for students (NHS/College, etc.) - for every 5 pairs of shoes collected, students earn 1 hour of community service.
We’ve included a YouTube video and slideshow. Please take a moment to learn more about this initiative.
Thank you for your support!! We are excited about this community-wide event! Let's get collecting!!!
Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC)
Somerville High School